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    卫三畏(Samuel Wells Williams, 1812--1884) 是近代东亚与美国关系史上的重要人物。他是美国最早来华的传教士之一,也是美国大学史上的第一位汉学教授,同时又是日本开国的见证人和新教赴日传教的推动者。他在广州、澳门、北京以及日本工作和生活了43年之久,是同光新政时期美国对华理性外交的代表人物之一。2012年9月22日是卫三畏诞生200周年的纪念日,为了重新检讨这位活跃于十九世纪亚洲太平洋舞台的历史人物,总结中美之间、日美之间以及东西方之间相互学习、平等对话和建设性互动的历史经验,北京外国语大学中国海外汉学研究中心、日本关西大学文化交涉学教育研究中心、澳门基金会联合召开此次学术研讨会。
    会议地点: 北京外国语大学
    Sponsored by
    Beijing Foreign Studies University’s Research Center of Overseas Sinology
    Kansai University’s Institute for Cultural Interaction Studies
    Macau Foundation
    An International Symposium in Memory of S. W. Williams
    Relations between East Asia and the United States in the 19th Century
    Samuel Wells Williams (1812 – 1884) is an important figure in the relations between East Asia and the United States in the 19th century. He is one of the earliest missionaries to China, and the first university professor of sinology in US. He is also an eye-witness to the opening of Japan and a promoter of Protestant missions in Japan. He worked in Canton, Macau, Beijing and Japan for 43 years, and was one of the initiators of American rational diplomacy during the Tongzhi and Guangxu reign periods. In memory of his 200th birth anniversary, we cordially invite your active participation in this international symposium, which aims to re-examine the life and work of S. W. Williams and the relations between East Asia and US in the modern era.
    Relations between East Asia and US in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
    American Missionaries in Modern East Asia
    Early American Sinology (language, literature, history, etc.)
    The Status of Macao in the Relations between East Asia and US in the 19th Century
    Historical Experience of Mutual Learning and Constructive Interaction between East and West
    Arrival: Dec. 14, 2012 (Friday)
    Meeting: Dec 15–16, 2012 (Saturday and Sunday)
    Departure: Dec 17, 2012 (Monday)
    Beijing Foreign Studies University
    Participants bear transportation costs to and from the meeting. No registration fees. Board and lodging expenses are covered by the sponsors.
