葛瑞汉生平 著作和论文目录
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葛瑞汉生平 著作和论文目录 转自:Confucius2000。按语:以下资料由葛瑞汉先生的《中国的两位哲学家:二程兄弟的新儒学》一书的译者程德祥先生提供。 葛瑞汉生平简介 葛瑞汉 ( Angus Charles Graham ) 1919年7月出生于英国威尔士的珀纳思(Penarth),他是格雷厄姆夫妇(Charles Harold and Mabelle Graham)两个儿子中的长子。其父原先经营煤炭生意,1925年离家远道马来亚(现在的马来西亚)从事橡胶种植业,直至1928年病逝于虐疾。 葛瑞汉1932─1937年在希罗普郡的埃尔斯大学学习,接着在牛津大学神学院学习神学,但是,他于1940年毕业后不久即放弃了对神的信仰。 随后他参加皇家空军,1944─1945年接受日语训练,被派到马来亚、泰国等地担任日语翻译,退役时军阶为中尉。 葛瑞汉1946年进入伦敦大学的东方及非洲研究院(S.O.A.S.),开始了他那漫长的学术生涯。研究院规定,要想取得该院学位必须修满三年课程,即使对于像他这样在军队里学过日语的人也不能减免,于是他选修汉语,这对汉学来说实在是一件大幸事。1949年他以优异的成绩取得文学学士学位,毕业后留校担任古汉语讲师。1953年他以对二程兄弟的研究论文取得哲学博士学位,该论文后来以书名《中国的两位哲学家》出版。 葛瑞汉1955年和张得保(Der Pao Chang) 结婚, 1964年生一女儿, 取名晨羲(Dawn)。葛瑞汉夫人拥有一家进出口公司并自任经理,女儿承继父业在伦敦大学东方及非洲研究院研究汉学,母女俩现住诺丁汉郡。 尽管葛瑞汉久居伦敦,但他热心漫步讲学,周游世界。他以访问学者、客座教授的身份讲学于香港大学(1954─1955年)、耶鲁大学(1966─1967年)、密歇根大学(1970年)、康耐尔人文学会(1972─1973年)、 新加坡东亚哲学研究所(1984─1986年)、台湾清华大学(1987年)、布朗大学(1988年)和夏威夷大学(1989─1990年)。 葛瑞汉1971年取得伦敦大学东方及非洲研究院古汉语教授并保持这个位置十三年之久,直到告老退休。他于1981年光荣的当选英国(文史哲)研究院院士。 葛瑞汉1991年因病逝世,享年72岁。 葛瑞汉著作和论文目录 著作 1. Two Chinese Philosophers: Ch'eng Ming-tao and Ch'eng Yi-ch'uan, Lund Humphries, London, 1958. 《中国的两位哲学家──程明道和程伊川》 2. The Book of Lieh-tzu, John Murray, London, 1960 (UNESCO Chinese translation series). 《列子》(译) 3. The Problem of Value, Hutchinson's University Library, London, 1961. 《价值观问题》 4. Poems of the Late T'ang, Penguin Classics, London, 1965 (UNESCO Chinese translation series). 《晚唐诗选》(译) 5. Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science, Chinese University Press, Hong Kong, 1978. 《后期墨家的逻辑、伦理和科学》 6. Chuang-tzu: The Seven Inner Chapters and Other Writings from the Book Chuang-tzu, Allen and Unwin, London, 1981. 《庄子·内七篇和外篇选》(译) 7. Chuang-tzu:Textual Notes to a Partial Translation, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, 1982. 《〈庄子选译本〉评注》 8. Reason and Spontaneity, Curzon Press, London, and Barnes and Noble, New York, 1985. 《理性与自发性》 9. Studies in Chinese Philosophy and Philosophical Literature, IEAP, Singapore, 1986. State University of New York Press, Albany, 1990. 《中国哲学和哲学文献研究》 10. Disputers of the Tao; Philosophical Argument in Ancient China, Open Court, La Salle, IL, 1989. 《道教辩士──古代中国的哲学辩论》 11. Poems of the West Lake, Wellsweep Press, London, 1990. 《西湖诗选》 12. Unreason within Reason, Open Court, La Salle, IL. 《理性中的非理性》 论文 1. A probable fusion word: WUH = WU + JY, BSOAS 14/1(1952). 《可能的合成词:勿=毋+之》 2. Kung-sun Lung's essay on meanings and things, Journal of Oriental Studies 2/2 (1955). 《公孙龙的名实论》 3. The final partical FU, BSOAS 17/1 (1955). 《语气词“夫”》 4. The Composition of the Gongsuen Long tzyy. AM 5/2 (1957), reprinted Studies. 《〈公孙龙子〉的结构》 5. The relation between the final particles YU and YEE, BSOAS 19/1 (1957). 《语气词“欤”与“也”的关系》 6. Confucianism, in Concise Encyclopedia of Living Faiths, edited by R.C.Zaehner, Hutchinson, London, 1959. 《儒学》(词条) 7. Being in Western philosophy compared with SHIH/FEI and YU/WU in Chinese philosophy, AM 7/1,2 (1959), reprinted Studies. 《西方哲学中的“存在”与中国哲学中的“是非”和“有无”的比较》 8. Observations on a new Classical Chinese grammar, BSOAS 22/3 (1959). 《对新版〈古代汉语语法〉的意见》 9. The dialogue between Yang Ju and Chyntzzy , BSOAS 22/2 (1959). 《杨朱与禽子的对话》 10. The date and composition of Liehtzyy , AM 8/2 (1961), reprinted Studies. 《列子著作和年代考》 11. The prosody of the SAO poems in the Ch'utz'u , AM 10/2 (1963). 《〈楚辞〉骚体诗的韵律》 12. Tone patterns in Chinese poetry(with G.B.Downer), BSOAS 26/1 (1963). 《中国诗的语调模式:平仄》 13. Natural goodness and original sin, Rationalist Annual (1963). 《性本善与原罪》 14. Reason in the Chinese philosophical tradition, in The Legacy of China, edited by Raymond Dawson, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1964. 《中国哲学传统中的理性》 15. The logic of the Mohist Hsiao-ch'u, T'oung Pao 51/1 (1964). 《〈墨子·小取〉的逻辑》 16. Liberty and equality, Mind 74/293 (1965). 《自由与平等》 17. Two dialogues in the Kung-sun Lung tzu , AM 11/2 (1965), reprinted Studies. 《〈公孙龙子〉中的两段对话》 18. Translations of poems and FU in Anthology of Chinese Literature, edited by Cyril Birch. Grove Press, New York, v.1 (1965), v.2 (1972). 《诗、赋选译》 19. 'Being' in philosophy and linguistics, Foundations of Language 1/3 (1965), reprinted in The Verb 'Be' and its Synonyms, edited by John W.M.Verhaar, Part 5 (1972), Dordrecht-Holland. 《哲学中的“存在”和语言学》 20. The 'Hard and White' disputations of the Chinese sophists, BSOAS 30/2 (1967). 《中国诡辩家的“坚白论”》 21. Chinese logic, in Encyclopedia of Philosophy, New York, 1967. 《中国逻辑》(词条) 22. The background of the Mencian theory of human nature, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, 6/1,2 (1967), reprinted Studies. 《孟子人性论的前提》 23. 'Being' in Classical Chinese, in The Verb 'Be' and its Synonyms, edited by John W.M.Verhaar, Part 1 (1967). 《古代汉语中的“存在”》 24. The archaic Chinese pronouns, AM 15/1 (1969). 《古代汉语的代词》 25. Chuang-tzu's 'Essay on seeing things as equal', History of Religions, 9 (1969/70). 《庄子的“齐物论”》 26. Some basic problems of Chinese syntax, AM 14/2 (1969). 《汉语句法的一些基本问题》 27. Ch'eng Hao and Ch'eng Yi , Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago, 1970. 《程颢、程颐》(词条) 28. The grammar of the Mohist dialectical chapters, in A Symposium on Chinese Grammer, edited by Inga-Lill Hansson, Lund, 1971. 《墨子辩正篇的语法》 29. China, Europe and the origins of modern science, AM 16/1,2 (1971), reprinted Chinese Science, edited by Shigeru Nakayama and Nathan Sivin, Cambridge, Mass., 1973. 《中国、欧洲与现代科学起源》 30. A new translation of a Chinses poet: Li Ho, BSOAS 34/3 (1971). 《李贺诗新译》 31. Later Mohist treaties on ethics and logic reconstructed from the Tach'u chapter of Mo-tzu , AM 17/2 (1972). 《后期墨家论〈墨子·大取〉中的伦理学和逻辑学》 32. The Classical Chinese topic-marker GU , BSOAS 35/1 (1973). 《古代汉语的句首语气词“夫”》 33. A systematic approach to the Mohist optics (with Nathan Sivin), Chinses Science, edited by Shigeru Nakayama and Nathan Sivin, Cambridge, Mass., 1973. 《对墨家光学方面的系统研究》 34. The terminations of the Archaic Chinese pronouns, BSOAS 36/2 (1973). 《古代汉语的尾音》 35. The concepts of necessity and the 'a priori' in Later Mohist disputation, AM 19/2 (1975). 《后期墨家辩论中的“必然”与“演绎”(a priori)的概念》 36. Chuang-tzu and the Rambling Mode, in The Art and Profession of Translation, edited by T.C.Lai, Hong Kong, N.D. (1976). 《庄子与消遥游》 37. The Chinese particle TZENG , Early China, No.3 (1977). 《汉语虚词“曾”》 38. The organization of the Mohist Canons, in Ancient China: Studies in Early Civilization, edited by David T. Roy and Tsuen-hsuin Tsien, Hong Kong, 1978. 《〈墨经〉的结构》 39. Entries for the Ch'eng brothers in A Sung Bibliography, edited by Yves Hervouet, Hong Kong, 1978 《二程》(词条) 40. A post-verbal aspectual particle in Classical Chinese: the supposed preposition HU , BSOAS 41/2 (1978). 《古代汉语动词后的小词──被认为是介词的"乎"》 41. The Nung-chia (农家) 'School of the Tillers' and the origins of peasant Utopianism in China, BSOAS 42/1 (1978), reprinted Studies. 《中国的“农家”和农民乌托邦主义的起源》 42. How much of Chuang-tzu did Chuang-tzu write? In Studies in Early Chinese Thought, edited by Henry Rosemont, Jr. and Benjamin I. Schwartz, Thematic Studies Series of the JAAR, 1979, reprinted Studies. 《〈庄子〉篇目真伪辨》 43. Structure and license in Chinese regulated verse, Journal of Chinses Linguistics, v.8 (1980). 《汉语格律诗的结构和破格》 44. The origins of the Legend of Lao Tan , Kuo-chi Han-hsueh, hui-yi lun-wen chi (国际汉学会议论文集) Taipei, 1981, reprinted Studies. 《老聃传说的起源》 45. Other schools of philosophy, in Encyclopedia of China, London, 1983. 《杂家》(词条) 46. Taoist spontaneity and the dichotomy of 'is' and 'ought' in Experimental essays on Chuang-tzu, edited by Victor H.Mair, Honolulu, 1983. 《道家的“自发性”和“是与应该”的二分法》 47. YUN (云) and YUEH (曰) as verb and as particles, Acta Orientalia, (Copenhagen), 1984 《“云”、“曰”作动词和作虚词》 48. Value, fact and facing fact, Journal of Value Inquiry, v.19 (1985). 《价值观、事实和面对事实》 49. Divisions in early Mohism reflected in the core chapters of Mo-tzu, IEAP Occasional paper and monograph series No.1 Singapore, 1985. 《〈墨子〉核心篇章中反映的早期墨家分派》 50. The right to selfishness: Yangism, Later Mohism, Chuang Tzu, in Individualism and Holism, edited by Donald Munro, Ann Arbor, 1985. 《自私的权利──杨朱学派、后期墨家》 51. Translation of Li Po, 'The hard road to Shu', in A Brotherhood of Song, edited by Stephen C.Soong, Hong Kong, 1985. 《李白的〈蜀道难〉》(译) 52. What was new in the Ch'eng-Chu theory of human nature? in Chu Hsi and Neo-Confucianism, edited by Wing-Tsit Chan, Honolulu, 1986, reprinted Studies. 《程朱人性说的新意》 53. The disputation of Kung-sun Lung as argument about whole and part, Philosophy East and West, v.36/2 (1986),reprinted Studies. 《公孙龙关于整体与部分的辨论》 54. Yin-Yang and the nature of correlative thinking, ut sup. No.6, 1986. 55. Vampiri in un solo morso, Il Manifesto, Rome, Sept.1,1986. 56. Poems of the West Lake, Renditions, No.25, Hong Kong, 1987. 《西湖诗选》 57. Hsien-Ch'in Ju-chia tui jen-hsing wen-t'i ti t'an-t'ao in Ju-chia lun-li, yen-t'ao-hui lun-wun chi (儒家论理研讨会论文集) edited by Liu Shu-hsien, IEAP, Singapore, 1987. 《先秦儒家对人性问题的探讨》 58. A neglected pre-Han philosophical text: Ho-kuan-tzu , BSOAS 52/3 (1989). 《一篇被忽视的西汉哲学文章〈鹖冠子〉》 59. Conceptual schemes and linguistic relativism in relation to Chinses, Synthesis Philosophica (Zagreb, Yugoslavia) 4/2 (1989), also forthcoming Culture and Modernity, edited by Eliot Deutsch, University of Hawaii Press, and Epistemological Questions in Classical Chinese Philosophy, edited by Hans Lenk and Gregor Paul, State University of New York Press. 《与汉语相关的概念体系和语言学相对主义》 60.Rationalism & Anti-rationalism in Pre-Buddhist China, in Rationality in Question, edited by S.Biderman and Ben-Ami Scharfstein, Brill, Leiden, 1990. 《佛教传入前中国的唯理论和反唯理论》 61. Reflections and Replies, in Chinese Texts and Philosophical Contexts, edited by Henry Rosemont,Jr., Open Court, La Salle, IL, 1991. 《思考与回答》 62. Chinese philosophy of language, Handbuch Sprachphilosophie, edited by K.Lorenz et al., De Gruyter, Berlin. 《中国的语言哲学》 63. Mysticism and the question of private access, Rules, Rituals, and Responsibility: Essays Dedicated to Herbert Fingarette, edited by Mary I. Bockover, Open Court, La Salle, IL. (责任编辑:admin) |