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道教之音整理 主要道教神仙圣诞(The Main Birthdays of Daoism Immortal)

    January 9th of the lunar calendar:Emperor Yu Huang's birthday
    January 15th of the lunar calendar:The Official of Heaven's birthday,Celestial Zhang Daoling's birthday
    January 19th of the lunar calendar:Qiu Chuji Zhenren's birthday
    February 3rd of the lunar calendar:Emperor Wenchang's birthday
    February 6th of the lunar calendar:Emperor Donghua's birthday
    February 15th of the lunar calendar:Daode Tianzun's birthday
    February 19th of the lunar calendar:Cihang Zhenren's birthday
    March 1st of the lunar calendar:Tan Chuduan Zhenren's birthday
    March 3rd of the lunar calendar:Emperor Zhenwu's birthday
    March 15th of the lunar calendar:The Deity of wealth Zhao Gongming's birthday
    March 18th of the lunar calendar:Emperor Zongyue's birthday
    March 28th of the lunar calendar:Emperor Dongyue's birthday
    April 8th of the lunar calendar:Ge Xuan Zhenren's birthday
    April 10th of the lunar calendar:He Xiangu's birthday
    April 14th of the lunar calendar:Lv Dongbin Zhenren's birthday
    April 18th of the lunar calendar:The Godness Bixia Yuanjun's birthday
    April 26th of the lunar calendar:Emperor Shennong's birthday
    May 1st of the lunar calendar:Emperor Antarctic longevity's birthday
    June 15th of the lunar calendar:The Deity of Ling Guan's birthday
    June 24th of the lunar calendar:The Deity of Wealth Guangong's birthday
    July 15th of the lunar calendar:The Official of Earth's birthday
    July 18th of the lunar calendar:The Heavenly Queen Mother's birthday
    July 22nd of the lunar calendar:The Deity of wealth Bi gan's birthday
    August 1st of the lunar calendar:Xu Xun Zhenren's birthday(Another version is December 25th)
    August 3rd of the lunar calendar:The kitchen god's birthday
    September 1st of the lunar calendar:The God of Sagittarius's birthday
    September 9th of the lunar calendar:The Goddess Doumu's birthday,Emperor Jiu huang's birthday
    October 1st of the lunar calendar:Emperor Dong huang's birthday
    October 15th of the lunar calendar:The Official of Water's birthday
    October 27th of the lunar calendar:The great Arctic's birthday
    农历十一月十一:太乙救苦天尊圣诞(另一翻译版本:The God Taiyi Relieving Sufferers)
    November 11th of the lunar calendar:The Lord Tai Yi of Salvation 's birthday(Another translation version:The God Taiyi Relieving Sufferers)
    The Summer Solstice:The Lingbao Tianzun's birthday
    The Winter Solstice:The Yuanshi Tianzun's birthday
    (道教之音编译 译者水平有限 仅供参考 望读者提出宝贵意见) (责任编辑:admin)