![]() 当今时代,科技发展突飞猛进,信息交流日益迅捷,文明进步有目共睹。然而,环境恶化、贫富悬殊、冲突战乱等问题也在困扰着人类。 从传统中汲取智慧,乃返本开新之途。 时值丁酉初夏,四海之云朋霞友,五洲之高道大德,共聚武当仙山,阐道德之真谛,觅济世之良方。 道通天地,德贯古今,道教先哲在静观玄览中,体悟到:天地与我并生,而万物与我为一,因而历来秉持命运共同体的理念,主张共生共荣。但是私欲和偏见会蒙蔽人们的本心,从而导致冲突与不公。故致治之道,始于正心;修之于身,其德乃真。 为挖掘道教文化精髓,服务当代社会,推动文明交流互鉴,促进世界和平发展,我们倡议: (一)弘扬随方设教传统,加强经典的收集、整理、注释、翻译,建构适应时代进步要求的教义思想体系,推动道教思想的现代诠释与世界传播。 (二)弘扬齐同慈爱精神,导人向善,净化人心,服务社会,利益人群,积极参与公益慈善事业,促进人类社会和谐。 (三)弘扬贵生乐生理念,挖掘探索道教养生理论和方法,总结整理道教养生功法和医药成就,促进人类身心和谐。 (四)弘扬天人合一思想,助天生物,助地养形,保护自然环境,促进生态文明,构筑知止知足的可持续发展世界。 (五)弘扬有容乃大精神,加强各国各地区道教界人士的联系与交流,推动道教与其他宗教之间的对话与合作,增进了解,化解冲突,促进不同文明之间交流互鉴。 孔德之容,唯道是从。 让我们超越一己之私,不自是、不自矜,循理而动,遵道而行,相信人同此心、心同此理,以诚相待,互敬互爱,凝聚向上向善力量,为人类命运共同体的美好未来而携手共进。 二〇一七年五月十二日于武当山 In the present era, the science and technology enjoy rapid advance; information exchange is increasingly fast and civilization progress is obvious to all. However, human beings are still bothered by issues like environmental degradation, wealth gap and conflict and wars. Acquiring wisdom from the tradition is a way of returning to the primitive innovation. Today we meet in the summer of 2017 at Wudang Mountains with distinguished guests and friends from all over the world, discussing Taoism and morality, as well as ways to benefit mankind. Dao - the Brick of Nature, De - the Fabric of Civilization. The sages of Taoism have comprehended the great philosophy during their cultivation: the heaven, the earth and I are coexisting in the world, and all the things and I are an organic whole. Therefore, they all long hold the concept of Community of Common Destiny, proposing co-existence and common prosperity. However, selfish desire and prejudice may pull wool over one’s conscience, giving rise to conflicts and inequity. Thus to stabilize an insecure situation, one should first melt his or her emotions into Nature; the true Tao and morality lie in the cultivation of body and soul. To explore the quintessence of Taoism culture, serve the modern society, promote culture exchange and peaceful development, we propose: 1. Uphold the tradition to develop Taoism according to the actual situation. Strengthen the efforts to collect, annotate, translate the classics. Build up-to-date ideological system of doctrine and push forward the modern annotation of Taoism and its global popularization. 2. Uphold the spirit of equality and tenderness to enlighten individuals to have good virtues, purify individuals’ heart, serve the society, benefit mankind, actively participate in public philanthropy and promote a harmonious human society. 3. Uphold the concept of longevity and physical and mental health. Explore Taoists’ theory and methods of health preservation, summarize curing methods and medical achievements to achieve the heath of mind and body. 4. Uphold the theory that man is an integral part of nature. Mankind shall help to nurture the heaven and the earth, protect physical environment, facilitate ecological civilization and build a world of sustainable development. 5. Uphold the spirit of mutual tolerance and strength the exchanges of Taoists from home and abroad. Promote dialogs and cooperation between Taoism and other religions, enhance mutual understanding, dissolve conflicts and advance the interchange between different civilizations. The form of great virtue depends on Tao. Let’s no longer think of our private ends and abandon self-approbation and self-conceit. Let’s act on the basis of reason and Tao. Let’s believe in the concept that everybody feels the same, so as to treat each other with all sincerity, respect and love. Let’s gather the strength of good deeds and join hands towards the bright future of the community of common destiny. 12th May, 2017 Wudang Mountain (责任编辑:admin) |