![]() 佛法僧三宝是不一不异、不可分割的整体。每一位出家师父都是僧团的代表,恭敬每一位出家师父,就是恭敬僧宝、恭敬整个僧团。佛也是僧团中的一员,恭敬依照佛的教法修行、并弘扬佛陀教法的一切菩萨声闻缘觉贤圣乃至凡夫僧,就是恭敬佛。 The Triple Gem, namely, the Buddha, Dharma, and Sa?gha which are indivisible entities are united and equal. Every monk or nun is a representative of Sa?gha; thus, respecting every monk or nun is the same as respecting the gem of Sa?gha. As the Buddha was one of the members of Sa?gha, one should comply and respect the teachings of the Buddha to practice Buddhism. Moreover, one ought to preach or propagate the teachings of the Buddha related to – vehicle of the Bodhisattva (Bodhisattva-yāna), vehicle of the listeners (?rāvaka-yāna), and vehicle of one enlightened to condition (Pratyekabuddha-yāna), noble (ārya), monk (bhik?u) and nun (bhik?u?ī) – all these refer to respecting the Buddha. 文章转自微信公众号:南普陀寺 (责任编辑:admin) |