![]() 礼佛,是佛教中一种极为殊胜的修行法门,具有破除骄慢、忏悔罪过、修持禅定以及感恩礼敬的意义。我们通过礼佛来表达对佛法僧三宝的恭敬与感恩,以拜佛的形式来检讨、忏悔自己过去所做地不好的行为,折服心中骄慢等习气,从而增长福慧。因此,礼佛是佛弟子成佛路上的必修课之一。 Worshipping (pūja) the Buddha is a unique practice which can eliminate arrogance, confess fault, practice concentration, and show respect and gratitude. Through worshipping the Buddha, we express our sincerity and appreciation towards the Triple Gem; we examine ourselves and confess previous bad actions and overcome the inner conceit and bad habits. Consequently, we can accumulate merit and wisdom. Indeed, worshipping the Buddha is one of essential practices for the Buddhists. 文章转自微信公众号:南普陀寺 (责任编辑:admin) |