四、“和”文化的智慧与启迪 IV. The wisdom and enlightenment in “harmony” culture 中华有“三和”文化,曰太和,讲宇宙的和谐,曰中和,讲身心的和谐,曰保和,讲保持着这种和谐。道家最先提出了和谐最原始的概念,曰太和,就是一个非常大的“和体”,就是大宇宙、大自然,名字是“和”,作用是“谐”,而人则置身其中,要去保持和维护这种平衡。因为,人从来就是自然界的一部分。人类向自然索取的越多,改造自然取得的成果越多,离自然就越远,人的自然本性也就丧失得愈多。 There are “Three Harmonies” in Chinese culture, namely, the universal harmony means the harmony of universe, the intermediary harmony means both physical and mental harmony, and the harmony maintenance means the maintenance of such harmony. It was Wayist that first put forward the original concept of harmony in the “universal harmony”, which means the tremendous harmony carrier of great universe and great nature named as “unification” and effecting “harmony”. As part of nature, mankind has to sustain and maintain such kind of balance. The more mankind asks from nature and the more progress man makes by remolding nature, the further man is from nature and the less human nature remains. 回顾世界500年大国崛起的历史经验,深刻反映了制度改革、技术进步对今天国家的影响,曾经的超级大国无疑都没有摆脱“生长、壮大、 消亡”的自然规律。原因只有一个,破坏了“和谐”。21世纪,中国和平崛起,重新树立起其大国形象;中国人的时代已经来临,中国经济的发展正在深刻地影响着全世界;中国也面临着和全世界其他国家一样的问题和困惑。——对环境、自然、资源的掠夺滥用,使我们失去了人与自然之和;利益竞争,人情冷漠,使我们失去了人与社会之和;个人主义的膨胀,物质欲望的沉迷,使我们失去了人与自身之和。在这样的时代背景之下,人们提出了构建和谐自然、和谐社会、和谐生命和可持续发展,重新回归到中华文化的本源——和谐。 Looking back at the 5 centuries of historical experience of China’s grow-up, we feel deeply what the innovation of system reform and technology has brought to modern life, and even the historical super power failed to get rid of natural law of “growth, expansion and death” only for destruction of harmony. In 21st century, China has risen peacefully and reestablished its great power image; so far the age for Chinese people has arrived as a consequence of profound influence to the whole world by Chinese economic development. However, we are also facing the same threats and puzzles as other countries have: we are losing the harmony with nature as a result of plunder and abuse of our environment, nature and resources; we are losing the harmony with society as a consequence of competition for benefit and human indifference; we are losing the harmony with ourselves as a result of individualism expansion and indulgence in material desire. With such background of our times, it is brought forward that we should construct a harmonious nature, a harmonious society, a harmonious life and realize a sustainable development, so as to return to the harmony, the origin of Chinese culture. 今天,《道德经》不仅是中国人的智慧,也是全人类的智慧。国内外已经掀起了一股学习《道德经》的热潮,希望从中寻找到一剂治疗世纪顽疾的良药。领悟和参透《道德经》中的深刻内涵,无疑对指导世界的和平与发展、中国的强大与崛起都具有强烈的现实意义和借鉴价值。 Today, “The Dao De Jing” is not only the wisdom of the Chinese people but also that of our human beings. Both Chinese people and foreigners have unfolded a great upsurge of studying “The Dao De Jing” in the hope of seeking an effective therapy to the century sufferings. Therefore, to guide the world peace and development, and also the power and rising-up of China, the comprehension and penetration of the profound connotation of “The Dao De Jing” would yield a realistic meaning and reference value without any doubt. (责任编辑:admin) |