【何以中国】 在21世纪全球化潮流之中,什么才是中国? 哪些是我们几乎遗忘的民族记忆? 哪些是在世界文化潮流中,当代中国的精神特质? 我们将基于什么来创造中华文明在世界中的当代贡献? “何以中国”系列短视频节目立足中国历史,寻找中国传统文化元素在当下的复兴,探寻通往中国文化深层精神内核的路径。 ![]() 【第七期·玉成其美】 世人常说“美玉无暇”,但是无暇的美玉少之又少。琢玉艺人巧思妙想,因材施艺,巧夺天工,琢制出一个个寓意美好的作品,让人叹为观止,爱不释手。正所谓:“玉不琢,不成器”。 People often describe something“as flawless as jade”. Flawless jade, however, is rare to be found. With their ingenious creativity and exceptional skills, Jade carvers shape materials into marvelous jade wares that convey good wishes.“Unpolished jade never shines”, as the old saying goes. 玉文化在中国有着悠久的历史,可以追溯到新石器时代。人类在打制和磨制石器的过程中,把玉从石中分化出来,用于生产、配饰、礼仪等不同领域。红山文化的玉猪龙雕琢精细,造型古朴雄浑,神秘悠远。 China has a time-honored“jade culture” which can be traced back to the Neolithic Age. While making stone tools, our ancestors spared jade from the regular stones, and used it for productive, decorative, ritual purposes and alike. The jade pig-like dragon, unearthed at the site of Hongshan Culture, features finely carved details, a pristine shape, as well as a mysterious and ancient appeal. 良渚文化玉琮外方内圆、上大下小,阴刻线精致细密。后来,玉集实用性、审美性、象征性于一体,发展成为王侯权力的符号、君子品性的表征以及文人把玩的对象。 The jade cong, unearthed at the site of Liangzhu Culture, has a square outer section around a circular inner part, with delicate, densely engraved lines. It figures bigger and bigger from the bottom to top. Due to the practical, aesthetic and symbolic value of jade, it gradually became a symbol of royal power and lofty virtue as well as a favourite“toy” among the scholars in the ancient times. 玉因其美质、色彩、纹理,有不同的文化内涵和寓意。《礼记聘义》中子曰:“昔者君子比德于玉焉,温润而泽,仁也。”玉本身被赋予了拟人化的品德,成为君子的象征;“有女如玉”则以玉来比喻女子肌肤如玉,光泽动人之美感。玉除了比德、比容外,琢制后的作品还蕴含着吉祥寓意,从而表达人们对美好理想的追求,如美玉良缘、事事如意、玉成其美等等。 Jade of different qualities, colors and textures carries different cultural connotations. Confucius once said:“In the past, men of noble character would compare virtue into jade. The jade is tender and bright, which is much like a man of benevolence.”Jade is not only personified as a man of moral integrity and is often used to describe the beauty of a lady. Usually, it is used to describe the shiny and smooth skin of a beauty. In addition, jade also symbolizes auspiciousness and conveys good wishes. 随着大工业的发展,传统琢玉技艺更显手工的价值,因此,玉雕也是我国的非物质文化遗产。珍藏在中国工艺美术馆的四大国宝《岱岳奇观》《含香聚瑞》《群芳揽胜》《四海欢腾》堪称时代瑰宝,也是玉文化和琢玉技艺的延续。 Standing out in contrast of the developing industrial technology, the craftsmanship of jade carving represents even greater value in manual dexterity, making it part of our nation’s intangible cultural heritage. At the China National Arts and Crafts Museum, the four national treasures by the names of“Jade Mount Tai”,“Jade Censer”,“Jade Flower Basket” and“Jade Screen” stand surely as the finest jade treasures of the age. All of them are priceless, representing the extension of China’s jade culture and jade carving techniques. 玉文化在中国源远流长,凝聚了中华民族的价值观念和文化特征。国人对玉的喜爱源于内心,并持续至今。当代社会中,玉器虽不再具备传统礼器功能,但今人仍然佩戴玉石首饰或收藏、把玩玉石。 Deeply rooted in the Chinese history, the“jade culture” carries the values and cultural characteristics of the Chinese nation. From the ancient times till today, jade has always been the love of the Chinese people. Even if that jade is no longer used for traditional ritual purposes today, it is still something people love to wear, collect and play with. (责任编辑:admin) |